Saturday, January 23, 2010

and one thing that REALLY angers me is sex trafficking!! 1.2 MILLION CHILDREN are trafficked every year!! thats someones DAUGHTER, MOTHER, FRIEND!!! and then by no choice of their own they end up with HIV/AIDS because of the men that abuse them and force them to live this lifestyle. Thats too much to bear, HEARTBREAKING...and EVIL beyond anything...its makes me really hurt for these young girls, especially since I was in that lifestyle and the unimaginable things that happened to me were TERRIFYING, but to have it happen without it even being a choice!! UNBELIEVABLE...I couldnt imagine that...I chose it, these girls never once did it for drugs, or to feed themselves good money, they do it because they have no choice!!! I want to be there pulling them out someday and using my testimony to bring comfort to hurting lives.


  1. I became aware of this back in middle school when I read the story of a girl in China in Reader's this is not a new problem. I would not mind working for the Dream Center or your ministry with women and children who have been through this. Though my life has been pretty sheltered, I know the pain of someone using you for their own sick desires.

  2. pain is pain my dear friend, but God knows it and He wants so badly to heal those areas, in those girls and in you!
